Monday, September 17, 2007


I'm going to start my note taking, or at least try to. I still don't have the Oddyssey yet, but the bookstore ran out so I'll have to find it somewhere else. If anyone has a copy, it'd be greatly appreciated if I could borrow it or have it for a little while.

I'm also going to Ringold tomorrow and asking him about preforming my play if it's good enough. I REALLY hope it doesn't suck.

I'll be adding more terms to my list in the blog a little further down, so check that if you're interested. Wish me luck at Drama. :/

Here's my letter. If anyone can edit this or check it for errors and stuff, I'd really appreciate it again.

Mrs. King
City Charter High School
717 Liberty Avenue.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

Dear Mrs. King:

For my internship, I've been working and performing tasks at City Theater. For a while I've been interested in theater and the performing arts and find myself fascinated by it. Because of this, I've decided that my research topic for my graduation project will be related to this. I've been researching the Greek myth/play "Perseus and Medusa" and it's history in performing arts.

In other words, I'm looking at the play and it's history of being performed or how the story has been changed for the sake of performance and other details like that. I'm going to have to research a lot about Greece and the history/role it had in performing arts. I'll also have to research the language and how they spoke back then to write a script as well as my research paper. I'll need to also find out about the myth and the background of the story.

I have read about the play and actually read/did a "mini-performance" of it in middle school, but I don't know a whole lot about the background of the myth or the whole story. I also don't know a whole lot about it's history in pop culture. I have researched and learned some things, but I don't think I have enough to be able to put my plan into action. To do this, I will be reading the Oddyssey, research using the internet and libraries and my internship is providing me with good experience for my action plan.

My action plan is not as clear as I would like yet, but it falls along the lines of a performance of my written script for a play based on "Perseud and Medusa." I might make a modernized version. I also might just tape the performance. I might just take the script to the City High Drama Club and see if we can put a performance on. I'm not 100% sure yet.

I do understand that any research I use has to be my own and that I cannot directly copy ideas from anyone without a direct quote. I will not use anyone's work but my own and will not plagorize.

Christina Provident


J. Pace said...

you spelled perseus wrong and you have to leave some spaces to sign your name and print it out....other then that good job!

Mary King said...