Thursday, December 6, 2007


My play is done!!!

I wrote it over the course of the week. I was going to wait until the break was over or near the end of December, but I couldn't sleep the one night. I got all of these ideas and started writing some down. As I wrote, more came. I did more research on the play, the Greek Gods, the history of Pandora and everything.

Of course, this is a rough draft and the first draft, so it's subject to a lot of change and I have like 50 people that I want to show it to. But so far, it's done. I'm so excited :D

Friday, November 16, 2007


It's been a WHILE.
Well, things with my grad project are going pretty well. I've been getting more research and I've written my action plan proposal. I've got almost my whole action plan outlined on a schedule. It's organized very well and good enough to give me a lot of time to do and finish what I need to do.

I've gotten a lot of things done and am a litte stressed out right now, but it's going good. It's a lot easier and less stressful because a lot of the things we had to do and be done with by the end of the trimester were either postponed or just cut in half to make everything duable. It helped a lot. And I'll be doing a lot of research over the break on this so everything will be done!

And my outline is set up so I will have EVERYTHING that has to do with writing essays and researching and scripts out of the way. I'm going to need everything I have to work with those kids and get the play done. I just hope I'm ready and prepared for the extent of what I'm supposed to be doing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I've already done a rough draft of my outline. That's what we're working on today. I'm going to finish my parahraphs, too. I think I can definately get that done and ready by friday. The note taking is actually going better. I'm pretty happy about that.

I've already gotten started on some of the action plan. I can't wait for January to start. :]

Monday, November 5, 2007


We're writing the 5 paragraph proposals for the action plan. We're also still researching. I got more research done for the grad project and I'm going to try to renew the book I have. So I'm doing better, but I need to get more research done still. Thank God Mrs. King made us a schedule for the papers we have to write. That helps out a lot. I'm staying after school today, too so I can get some more research done on the paper.

I'm getting some kids to think about the whole play idea. I asked some and they said they'd do it. Half of them don't want to speak or be a main character. They want small parts. Hopefully my acting class will be good enought to get the stage fright out of them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Forgot to post!

Didn't get to post earlier.

Well, the researching is going better. I made a to do list of stuff I really need to get done. I'll be at the library this weekend working on research. Hopefully that goes well. I did get a lot done today. And my books aren't overdue yet. I have another week (about). My outline/schedule for my action plan is pretty done. It's a rough draft because I'm not 100% sure of everything. By the time break comes around I should be, though.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

woah baby

I haven't posted in a while...been really sick. :[

Once again, I NEED to get more research done for my paper! I need to start working harder on that. I wasn't able to do research all weekend and I missed monday! I only have 2 weeks! I need to get this stuff done!

I do have a lot more ideas/possibilities for my interview, too. That's been going well at least. I need to also get the action plan stuff done. There's a lot to squeeze in in 2 weeks, but I just need to manage my time better I think. I'll definately be researching this WHOLE week at home and maybe the library. That reminds me I still need to get my book back there today, too. I hope I can get them renewed or something I'm not finished with them.

I have a copy of what I want to do from one of my teacher's friends. He took a one act play and stretched it/produced a musical from it. I'm going to read throuhg it and see how it ended up and then maybe ask him about the editing and stuff he did. Can't wait!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Interview Questions

Here's the questions I have for my interview. I'm hoping to interview someone who has put on a play or has experience with turning ancient things or performances into modernized settings and stuff like that.
  1. What's your field/what is it you do exactly?
  2. What is most important to focus on if you're trying not to lose the original idea/moral/plot to a story?
  3. What are some ways to keep that story or idea while still keeping it appropriate for the audience you want to portray it to?
  4. What are important ideas to keep in mind when thinking about the adaptation of the original story (making it appropriate for the audience/children)?
  5. What legal actions should I know about when editing the original story?
  6. What are some common mistakes I can try to avoid when trying to modernize/childrenize the story?
  7. What other advice would you give to someone adapting a story for this purpose?
  8. What should someone writing a script keep in mind having to do with the characters?
  9. What other stories/myths would you reccomend me looking at or reading that could help me with the project?
  10. Do you know of any playwright's or people in the field who did something similiar to this? Maybe I could find out about them or research them.

Those are all the questions I have right now, but I'll work on them tomorrow.